Monday, January 6, 2014

Mom: "Why won't you go dance with Hannah?"
Jacob: "Because she called me charming and she called me handsome. I'm not charming and I'm not a prince." 12/29/12

Friday, December 28, 2012

The world according to Elder Luke, March 19, 2000, the Philippines... "American children are fat."  12/13/12

I got out of the shower today and Jacob came knocking on the door to see if I was naked.  I replied, "yes."  About a minute later Jacob knocks and asks, "Mom, are you still naked?"  "Yes."  Then he said, "Well quit playing around and get dressed!"  12/7/12

Jacob was grateful tonight during his prayers for the "burning hot dogs" in his alarm clock.  (The little red lines that make up the numbers).  This kid is so stinkin' funny it makes my sides hurt!  12/7/12

I made a cake tonight and Jacob looked at it and said, "Whoa, Mom, that is a serious cake."  11/16/12

Tonight's awesome moment... Brent made a yummy dinner because I was busy.  Jacob was eating and threw a tantrum and screamed, "THIS IS THE WORST DINNER EVER!!!"  It was awesome.  :)  8/29/12

Brent while driving his new manual transmission car: "The fun thing about driving a stick shift is that you feel like James Bond." 4/7/12

Jacob eating his cereal this morning: "Mom, my cereal looks like a fat man with one arm!" 4/4/12

Tonight Jacob asked what something was and I replied with a question "what's a Jacob?" He thought for a second and said, "a little boy with red hair." 3/22/12

We were talking to Jacob about not sucking his thumb and I suggested putting a ribbon on his thumb to help him remember not to. He really didn't want the ribbon on and Jacob was very determined when he said to me, "Mom, I won't let you down." 1/7/12

"Mom, I want a brudder." Jacob 1/4/12

"Mom, I'm going to marry you." Jacob 1/12

"I'm not a very useful boy." 

Check out Thomas the Tank Engine if you need a reference! Jacob 4/1/11

Jacob after a giant hug from Daddy, "I almost broke you Dad!" 2/24/11

Jacob: "I'm acarnivore!" 

Mom: "What does a carnivore eat?" 
Jacob: "CinnamonSugar! I'm a carnivoreeatsCinnamonSugar!" 2/24/11

Hannah walking into her room: "I'll just be in my lab." 1/10/11

Hannah: "Mom, did you know that ear wax tastes like soap?" 12/26/10

Monday, January 31, 2011

Hannah: "MOM... Jacob isn't cleaning up! He's going to get coal in his stocking!" 12/14/10

Hannah telling a story: "Then Jacob ran into the house and slammed the door. Then Mom went in there and killed him and threw him in the trash!" Jacob: "And cut off my thumb!" 9/28/10

Jacob: "What's that?" Mom: "That's a water tower." Hannah: "If I were a water tower I would be all filled all the way up with water and then I'd have to burp it up over all the earth." 9/1/10

Hannah after church today: "My teachers taught me that we don't poop outside on the grass." 8/22/10

Watching a movie in the car Mommy said, "I LOVE this movie! It's one of my favorites." Hannah, "You should come back and watch it with us!" Mommy, "It's too bad I have to drive." Hannah, "But you can watch it with your back eyes, right?" 8/3/10

Hannah: "I'm making muffins. First I'm going to put in eggs, chocolate chips and diarrhea and baby food and everything else that is in the fridge." Mom: "Hannah, what's diarrhea?" Hannah: "It's baby food." 7/17/10

Hannah: "Mom, are the baby's arms in your arms?" 7/1/10

Hannah: "Mom, I like the shade side of the sun. It's nice." 7/1/10

Hannah and Jacob were singing in the car when Hannah says, "Jacob! Be Quiet! I can't hear myself singing!" 06/30/10

Mom: "Hannah, do you know what snot is?"
Hannah: "Um, ya. It's what I am some times." 06/10

Daddy: "Jacob, take your thumb out."
Jacob: "NO! I takin' a suck!" 06/10

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hannah is determined that Lightning McQueen's name is "Lightning The King!"

Hannah, pointing to a pile of clothes in the corner of my room, "Mom, is this your new dirty clothes place?" 3/14/10

Hannah: "Mom, I'm making you a picture to make you know that I'm sweet." 3/3/10

I was straining the spaghetti noodles and Hannah says, "Look Mom! The noodles are peeing!" 2/18/10

Hannah and Jacob were playing in her room. She came out and said "Jacob said, 'Fine. Don't be my sister anymore.' Then he said, 'Go 'way 'Nana,' and so I did." 12/19/09

Hannah was chewing out Jacob. I stopped her and said "Hannah, why don't you say, 'Jacob, please stop doing that?'" Hannah replied "Because it doesn't work!" 12/19/09

Hannah: "I'm high, so that means I need to go to high school." 12/18/09

Jacob yelled at Daddy when he was getting cleaned off after dinner, " 'Top (stop) Me!" with his finger wagging at him. 11/2/09

Jacob was playing with Daddy and Hannah wanted a turn. Jacob promptly responded, "ME FIRST!" 10/15/09

Hannah was being frustrating and Daddy said, "Hannah, you need to start thinking!"
Hannah: "Do you want me to start thinking right now?" 9/24/09

Friday, November 6, 2009

Hannah: "My imagination was coming out of my head while I was sleeping.
Mom: "Did you have good dreams?"
Hannah: "YES! I dreamed about princesses and a wedding and I got married to Jacob." 9/22/09

Hannah was tongue-tied one night and I finally said "Hannah, spit it out." Hannah sat for a minute and said "Mom? I don't have anything in my mouth." 9/5/09

Hannah: "The pink car saw me because I was a human." 8/20/09

Hannah: "Bob the Builder is my husband." 8/14/09

Hannah: "Mom! I'm going to go and see if they have a tater-totter!" 8/3/09

Hannah: Innocently, "Mom? Do you want a piece of me?"

Mommy just having a rough day and a break-down.
Hannah, with the sweetest voice you've ever heard: "Don't cry Mom. Jacob and I are here for you."

Mommy: "I'll be right back. I've got to go potty."
Hannah: "Okay Mom. Make sure you hold it!"

Mommy: "Jacob, say "Elmo."
Jacob: "Melmo."

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hannah: "Mom? How do babies come out of Mom's tummies?" (It's great that HER mommy has c-sections!)

Mommy: "Hannah, please eat your carrots."
Hannah: "Okay Mom. Here's one coming right up!"

Hannah: "It's a secret. You and I are going to keep it in our hearts and not tell anybody."

Hannah: "Tag your not, here I come!"

Hannah: "So that's the way it's going to be!" (Thanks Spongebob!)

Hannah: "Do you think I can handle this?"

Daddy: "Hannah, eat your meat please."
Hannah: "The meat? I'm not going to eat the meat. I'm going to eat the chicken."

Hannah: "I'm a naked man!"

Talking to our friend, Heather, "My Mommy and Daddy hurt me in the bathtub." Heather looks at Mommy with shock and Mommy asks Hannah "How do Mommy and Daddy hurt you in the bathtub?" Hannah: "When they wash my hair."

Hannah was trying to wink and was blinking both eyes. Mommy said "Good! Now do it with just one eye." Hannah proceeded to cover one eye with her hand and continue blinking.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hannah: "Mommy? Can we go to a movie?"
Mommy: "No, Hannah. You don't sit still in movies."
Hannah, thinking... "But I'll try REALLY hard!"

Hannah asked Mommy to read a story and Mommy said "Go ask Daddy." Hannah asks "Daddy? Can Mommy read me a story?"

After finding earwax in her ears, "Grandma! I've got boogers in my ears!"

"That makes me crack up!"

At the store check-out line where there is ALWAYS candy:
Hannah: "Can I have a treat because I've been such a good girl?"
Dad: "No."
Hannah: "But I've been SUCH a good girl!"

At Family Home Evening, our friend asked Hannah: "If your parents ask you to do something what should you do?"
Hannah: "Eat."
We were sitting at dinner and Jacob yelled about something.
Mommy: "That's the red-head coming out in him."
Hannah: "He pooped?"

Driving out of the Post Office: "Mommy, look! There's some houses right there! That's where the post office people to to sleep I think."

"Apparently Jacob's tired." After big yawn from Jacob.

Talking on her play phone and Mommy came around the corner, Hannah looked up and said "This is my sister in California."

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Driving away from Grandma's house after a fun visit Hannah said "Is Grandma crying?"

Hannah buckled herself into a riding toy and fell over. As she was trying to get up, while still buckled up... "Freak!"

Mommy: "Hannah, do you need to go potty?"
Hannah: "No. I'm sure."

Talking to Grandpa on the phone...
"Ok, well... we'll let you go."

"This one is pink, so I can wear it."