Friday, December 28, 2012

The world according to Elder Luke, March 19, 2000, the Philippines... "American children are fat."  12/13/12

I got out of the shower today and Jacob came knocking on the door to see if I was naked.  I replied, "yes."  About a minute later Jacob knocks and asks, "Mom, are you still naked?"  "Yes."  Then he said, "Well quit playing around and get dressed!"  12/7/12

Jacob was grateful tonight during his prayers for the "burning hot dogs" in his alarm clock.  (The little red lines that make up the numbers).  This kid is so stinkin' funny it makes my sides hurt!  12/7/12

I made a cake tonight and Jacob looked at it and said, "Whoa, Mom, that is a serious cake."  11/16/12

Tonight's awesome moment... Brent made a yummy dinner because I was busy.  Jacob was eating and threw a tantrum and screamed, "THIS IS THE WORST DINNER EVER!!!"  It was awesome.  :)  8/29/12

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